Women in music and W Guide - Resources and Review

Bibliography intended to promote gender equity and feminist scholarship in areas related to music theory, and to serve as a repository of information about women and music.
Resources related to early women composers such as Hildegard of Bingen, Comtessa Beatriz de Dia, St Birgitta of Sweden and Christine de Pisan, including a chronology, discography, MIDI sound files and a Celebration of the Feminine Divine in Women's Early Music.
Selection of links to resources relating to women in music, including Early Music by Women Composers and Women in Popular Music.
Provides information on the life and works of significant female composers from the last 250 years, such as Lousie Farrenc, Emilie Candeille, and Clara Schumann.
Essay on the music of Hildegard von Bingen covering the compass of her works, the musical forms she used, and the basic musical elements of medieval chant. Includes selected discography.
Translations of the German poetry set by Clara Schumann in her songs.
Quarterly journal focusing on information and research on women composers. Offers an index of all articles and features from 1993 onwards.
Links to organisations worldwide concerned with women in music.
Index to the full text articles on all aspects of women in the music industry, listed by author.
Extensive bibliography of articles on women in music.
Includes biographical information about contemporary female blues musicians, historical profiles of artists such as Memphis Minnie, Dinah Washington, Nina Simone, and Etta James, and details of international blues women.
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