Text processing and T Guide - Resources and Review

Presents a series of FAQs relating to the Unicode character encoding scheme. Addresses topics such as character properties, compression, conversions, security issues, and Unicode and the Web.
An online database of SGML information and software, designed to make SGML resources freely accessible to the public by means of a Web browser. Information is supplied for the entire family of SGML standards, including HyTime, DSSSL, SPDL, XML, and others.
Set of online lessons in word processing, presentation graphics, spreadsheets and databases, covering use of Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, Microsoft PowerPoint, Lotus Freelance Graphics, Access 97, Excel, Lotus 1
2-3 and Quattro Pro.
TEI Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange using SGML.
Detailed online lessons in use of Microsoft Word version 7. Topics covered include creating a basic document, simple editing options, using graphical tools and bars, exploring templates and other document enhancements.
An international project to develop guidelines for the preparation and interchange of electronic texts for scholarly research, and to satisfy a broad range of uses by the language industries more generally.
Collection of fonts, macros, tools, documents and software for Tex and LaTeX text processing systems.
CEDAR is devoted to research in the computational structures for the visual perception and language comprehension associated with the interpretation of digital documents.
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