Scottish poetry and S Guide - Resources and Review

Offers the full text of over 100 of Burns' poems and songs, including Address of Beelzebub, Charlie He's My Darling, Highland Mary, My Nannie, O, and The Bonnie Wee Thing.
Information on Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759
1796). Includes the full text of several poems, including Tam O'Shanter, Holy Willie's Prayer and Address to a Haggis.
Biographical information and a selection of poetry including Feathers, The Chemical Wedding, and Parting on Henry Street, composed by Andrew Jackson. Images said to have inspired various poems published in his 2003 book Fire Stations are shown.
Database of poetry texts, arranged by author. Also includes literary theory and criticism and English composition resources.
Born in Orkney in 1887, Edwin Muir's wide and varied career is reflected in a brief chronology, detailing his appointment as the Director of British Council, Prague in 1946, and Rome in 1949, as well as his literary career as an academic, novelist, and poet. Includes links to online versions of some of Muir's poetry, such as 'Scotland 1941', 'Scotland's Winter', and 'Merlin'. Additional sources of relevance to Muir are also given, along with Scottish literature and poetry pages.
Provides access to an online catalogue searchable by title, author, keyword, or subject, as well as more specialised catalogues containing records of the library's audio, Braille, and large print material. A selection of Scottish poetry is browsable by poet, and users are invited to enter some memorable phrases or lines of a poem into the 'Lost for Words' service, which Poetry Library staff will then attempt to trace. Also includes a section aimed at young people.
Short biography of the Dundonian poet and texts of selected poems including the Tay Bridge Disaster, An Ode to the Queen, and The Battle of Bannockburn.
A selection of poems by Scottish authors such as Robert Burns, Gordon Geddes, William McGonagall, George Outram, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Walter Wingate. Biographical information is presented on selected poets.
Includes biographical information on Robert Burns (1759
1796), a selection of his songs and poems, and details of Burns traditions.
Full text versions of a selection of works by William Topaz McGonagall, including autobiographical writings. Also offers a bibliography of the Dundonian poet's work in print.
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