Science fiction and S Guide - Resources and Review

Official information about the award winning science fiction writer. Includes a bibliography of his works, reviews, a calendar of appearances, an online writing class, and full text versions of books, short stories, articles, and essays.
Offers original articles and features about fantasy and science
fiction books, plus annotated links to selected relevant Internet resources, compiled by a subject specialist, a subject-specific bulletin board, and details of related news and events. Authors featured include Iain M Banks, Terry Pratchett and JRR Tolkein.
Student study guides to science fiction literature, including H G Wells' War of the Worlds, Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and a research bibliography.
Information about the author Stephen King and his works. A number of questions are answered, including why King became a writer, the source of his ideas, and false rumours about his life are put to rest. Includes biographical facts, information about films and a chronology of King's work for the future. Also includes details of his recuperation following a road accident.
Collection of links to timelines of past and fictional future events in the fields of history and culture, science and technology, art and literature, popular culture and current events, and science fiction. Specific entries include the Suffrage Movement Timeline, Titantic's Chronology of Main Events, a Space Program Timeline, and a Chronology of Japan's Fine Arts.
Collection of resources about science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. Includes lists of his novels, short fiction, essays, and links to reviews, booksellers, and publishers.
Offers quotes from a variety of science fiction sources, including literature, cinema, and television. Quotes are arranged by author, and alphabetically where author is inappropriate.
Index to numerous popular fiction resources. Headings include adventure stories, family sagas, fantasies, ghost stories, historical fiction, horror stories, humorous novels, mysteries, parallel worlds, romance, science fiction, spiritual, sports, thrillers, time travel, war stories and westerns.
Links to science fiction resources including bibliographies, bookstores, films, publishers, reviews, and magazines.
Chronicles the development and evolution of the Superman character from his creation in the early 1930s. Offers information about Superman comic books, films, TV appearances, and novels, and also provides additional articles on the creators and animators, along with images of the superhero's costumes over the years.
Bibliographic records for science fiction books, journals, and periodicals, searchable by author/editor, title, or subject. A full explanation of the classification scheme used within the library is provided.
Collection of essays which critically discuss representations of popular culture and social theory in the media. Analyses the accuracy of situation comedies as an expression of reality, and the success of post
apocalyptic and science fiction, which seek to transcend reality to explore future worlds. Ideologies of simulation, post-modern societies, and the propagandist potential of news coverage are also covered.
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