Printing history and P Guide - Resources and Review

Resource tracing the history of the printing industry, giving examples of decorative initials, which may be downloaded and used freely, and masterpieces in typography and page decoration from the days of Gutenberg and throughout the 17th century. Also provides information about the legend of Koster, thought to have invented printing, and offers examples of digital art and Web page designs.
Journal of the American Printing History Association, published twice yearly. Includes indexes from past issues, sample articles and details about the association itself.
Digitised version of the Gutenberg Bible. Contains selected illuminations and describes the publication's historical background. Available in English and German.
Document tracing the development of the printed book by examining important periods, the rise of the University, the development of technology, the Protestant reformation, the rise of vernacular languages, and maps of the new world.
Bibliographic details of publications dealing with printing history. Topics covered include Antiquity: Alphabets, Writing Systems, Writing Material, Medieval Period: The Codex and Manuscript Production, Invention and Spread of Printing, and Books and Society.
Collection of articles providing historical information about the printing industry. Includes details of transitional technologies, archaic printing terms, printing etymologies, figures and symbols used today, and infamous counterfeiters.
Document describing the technological, cultural and psychological issues associated with the emergence of the printing press, and examining the influence of print on European culture, and its impact on scientific, religious and political ideals.
Information about the history and process of handpress printing. Documents printers who employ handpresses and their publications, and provides details of related exhibitions, study opportunities, workshops, and conferences. Also lists museums and libraries worldwide which have handpresses on display, with links to Web pages where available.
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