Music theory and M Guide - Resources and Review

Short descriptions of terms from Accelerando to Xylophone, covering musical instruments, forms and terminology.
A database of hypertext transcriptions of manuscript copies of 14 Latin theoretical treatises related to musica mensurabilis of the thirteenth century.
Collection of Java
based tutorials covering music and music theory. Includes topics such as note reading, scale building, music speed-reading, and interval drills.
Collection of resources for composition, research and music theory.
Offers a guide to Schenker's theories on tonal music. Outlines the basic principles of harmony and counterpoint, provides a working method for conducting a Schenkerian analysis, and examines the relevance of his work today.
Articles on music theory and composition which discuss drama and climax, parallel fifths, strategies for canon and fugue and serial materials.
Descriptions of over 100 musical concepts, including Aeolian Mode, Chromatic Interval, Scale and Triad.
Glossary providing thorough discussion of over one hundred musical terms, such as architectonic, consonance and dissonance, expressive timing, phrase rhythm and syncopation.
An index of sites offering reference information on classical music. Includes resources on composition, performance, theory and instruments.
Article discussing the perceptual phenomena of tonality and atonality, considering topics such as memory mechanisms, and the changing of perception over time.
Essays on the general features, style characteristics and composer styles of the music of the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods, and on specific genres such as the concerto, opera and the symphony.
Chart listing possible ways in which melody, harmony, accompaniment, texture, tonality, colour, dynamics and form can be varied in music composition. Entries are listed with definitions and include augmentation, isorhythm, texture modulation and pantonality.
Interactive guide for music composers and theorists which explains and demonstrates some of the key concepts of tonality, including chords, scales, cadences, and modulation.
Collection of instructional materials such as an instrument range chart, information on music notation, composer's organisations, microtonal music and fractal music.
Annotated bibliography of books, articles, theses and dissertations on the subject of rhythm and metre.
Bibliography intended to promote gender equity and feminist scholarship in areas related to music theory, and to serve as a repository of information about women and music.
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