Moths and M Guide - Resources and Review

Information about butterflies and moths. Includes an index that can be searched topically, geographically or alphabetically, images, articles, bibliography, physiology, migration and taxonomy.
Information about butterflies and moths. Includes an index that can be searched topically, geographically or alphabetically, images, articles, bibliography, physiology, migration and taxonomy.
Details of a home
made moth trap which can be used to catch moths for environmental analysis.
Collection of moth images from different areas in the United Kingdom. Images are searchable by name or by index numbers taken from 'A Recorder's Log Book or Label List of British Butterflies and Moths', by J.D. Bradley and D.S. Fletcher.
Pictures and distribution maps of US moths, organised by state.
Pictures of beetles, butterflies, moths, caterpillars, flies, mosquitoes, crickets, and ticks, as well as plant disease and damage.
Set of links to Internet resources relevant to moths. Headings include common species, identification, taxonomy, collection, caterpillars, borers, leafminers, Armyworm, Cutworm, and Webworm.
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