Mosses and lichens and M Guide - Resources and Review

The Lichen Herbarium at the Botanical Museum in Oslo is divided into Norwegian, foreign and type sections. Includes recent literature on lichens, checklists of specimens, the Threatened Macrolichens Project, fact sheets and distribution maps for selected lichens.
An introduction to some of the range of mosses and liverworts (or bryophytes) that occur in Wales. It is aimed at those interested in, but with little or no knowledge of mosses and liverworts. Includes basic facts, habitats, conservation, recording and mapping, a bibliography and photographs.
Range of information about lichens. Includes news, lists of collections, endangered species, societies, associations, researchers, international conferences, environmental factors, pictures, references and systematics.
Information about mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Includes an index of mosses, bryological glossary, bryophyte names authority lists, moss checklist of Thailand and moss flora of China.
Bryology is the study of mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Includes information on the classification, structural features, natural history, ecology and evolutionary relationships of these plants.
A multilingual glossary for bryology. Includes a brief definition of a term in English and gives the equivalent French, German and Spanish translation of the term.
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