Military science and M Guide - Resources and Review

Report addressing the current and probable future course of military strategy in China. Covers topics such as the use of advanced technology, Chinese military capability and the People's Liberation Army.
Glossary of over 20,000 acronyms and abbreviations related to defence.
Official Web site of the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US Department of Defense. Includes general information about the Pentagon, tour information, schedules, statistics, and a chronology of the building.
Project established in 1988 to help develop relevant and practical responses to the adverse effects on national and local economies resulting from the changing defence requirements.
JSCOPE is an organisation of military professionals, academics, and others formed to discuss ethical issues relevant to the military. The Conference meets each year in late January to present and discuss academic papers.
Aims to disseminate information on the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), and related chemical and biological warfare issues. Includes the full text of several briefing papers.
Information and special features on defence issues, a free news subscription service and information on defence publications.
Independent centre for research, information and debate on the problems of conflict and issues surrounding international cooperation. Information about various publications: The Adelphi Papers, The Military Balance, Strategic Comments, Survival and press releases. Details of how to apply for research positions are also given.
Set of resources assessing China's military policy, capability, and potential. Provides a commentary, military analyses, details of political and economic conditions, regional information, and an outline of US policy toward China. Also addresses Chinese policy and views, the arms trade and proliferation, and the Taiwan confrontation.
RAND report dealing with policy making on the use of force in the US and Russia. Includes case studies for both countries.
based access to databases holding information on defence, geopolitics, transportation, and law enforcement. Offers weekly email updates on key issues in these fields, online facilities for ordering Jane's products, and a list of acronyms used.
Publisher of defence, aerospace, transportation, geopolitical, and law enforcement information. Features a product catalogue searchable by category and keyword, details of conferences, press releases, and news reports.
Gateway to aerospace and defence material on the Internet. Annotated items are arranged into browsable categories, with an optional search facility. Subjects include aeronautics, astronautics, military vehicle and weapon technology, and electronic and information warfare.
Links to US intelligence community sites, military intelligence sites, organisational sites related to strategic intelligence, recent documents related to strategic intelligence, and a selected list of intelligence related journals, articles, and papers.
Primary research faculty of the US Army War College. Research studies deal with topics having strategic implications for the army, the Department of Defense, and the larger national security community.
The War Times journal is an online magazine and archive, dealing in military history, archives, articles and illustrations. Includes sections on events, weapons, militaria, tactics and memoirs.
Set of links to selected, evaluated and annotated Internet resources relevant to military science.
Designs, acquires and supports systems which collect, process, analyse and present complex information to the US government.
Dictionary of several thousand military terms, including acronyms and abbreviations, which can be browsed as well as searched. Snafu not included.
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