Medical guides and M Guide - Resources and Review

Extensive dictionary of medical terms, including those relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, medicine, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology. Also includes acronyms, jargon, theory, conventions, standards, institutions, projects, eponyms and history.
Interactive first aid course from the BBC. An overview of the importance of first aid is provided with sections on essential skills relating to incidents including heart attacks, bleeding, drowning, choking, poisoning, electrocution, spinal injuries, eye injuries and scalds and burns. Home skills includes tests on caring for adults and caring for children and there is further information on how to gain first aid qualifications. Additional features include a reference guide to first aid techniques, transcripts of live chats with a doctor, games and quizzes, and a first aid glossary.
Pages of heart related news and resources. Includes an FAQ about heart disease compiled by a team of medical advisors, medical articles and fact sheets, patient success stories, and links to other cardio
vascular resources on the Internet.
Health information for both the general public and professionals. The public site includes resources on common health problems including cancer, heart disease and drug and alcohol abuse. The professional site includes news, publications, research and education and training information.
Links to selected online publications, databases, web sites, support and self
help groups, government agencies and non-profit organisations that produce health information for the US public.
Fully searchable and browsable dictionary of medical terms, abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon.
A frequently updated library of health sciences information providing patient care support and distance learning to health care professionals.
Articles providing health information including news, and details of diseases and treatments. Features a medical dictionary and pharmacy, together with first aid facts in the event of injuries such as bumps and bruises, burns, cuts, scrapes and puncture wounds, dental injuries, frostbite, insect stings, and nosebleeds. A list of poison control centres is also included.
Information about diagnostic testing procedures involved in a range of areas including the brain and nervous system, blood disorders, digestion, urination, lung problems, hormonal disorders, and infertility, pregnancy, and childbirth. Details are given on how to prepare for various tests, any risks involved, post
test care, and the likely waiting period for results. Additional sections on specific health issues of men and women are provided.
Searchable online book intended as a general reference source for health care providers and consumers. The six major sections cover using the US health care system; wellness; symptoms; first aid; treatment and prevention; and proper use of medications. Chapters include understandable explanations of the topic, and selective descriptions of diseases or abnormalities.
Group concerned with educating health professionals and the general public in resuscitation. Focuses on teaching, creating guidelines, publishing training materials, maintaining standards, and encouraging associated research. Provides a listing of council courses and forthcoming events.
Provides health care information written or reviewed by UK doctors for both professionals and patients. Features brief advice on the causes and treatments of a range of conditions including colds, influenza, eye problems, headaches, meningitis, sunburn, and warts. Also offers coverage of recent research into each condition, and gives details of patient support groups.
This publication is based on the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, commonly referred to as The Merck Manual, the textbook of medicine most widely used by health care professionals in the US. The Home Edition transforms the language of the professionals' version into commonly used English while retaining all the vital information about diseases, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. The Web version is only part of the published Home Edition, but contains the entire section on the heart, the eye, gynaecology and obstetrics, along with the complete Table of Contents.
Full text collection of articles and research papers providing guidelines for clinical practice in a wide range of areas, including cardiac surgery, dentistry, infectious diseases, neurology, nuclear medicine, otolaryngology, radiation oncology, sports medicine and horacic surgery. Material may be accessed by subject, title or developer, includes a record of the most recently added information, and can be viewed in HTML or PDF format.
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