Lifelong learning and L Guide - Resources and Review

Report from the committee chaired by Sir Ron Dearing into higher education. The committee examined and made recommendations on how the purposes, shape, structure, size and funding of higher education, including support for students, should develop to meet the needs of the United Kingdom over the next 20 years.
Report published in April 1998 following the Government's green paper 'The Learning Age'. It considers the broad policy framework of higher education and how academic libraries, which increasingly include networked IT services within their remit, need to respond.
Offers information and advice on the range of adult learning opportunities available in the UK, focusing on addressing the concerns which potential learners may have about returning to education.
Conference paper (January 1999) which describes and evaluates the critical success factors associated with mounting a Web site to provide accessible lifelong learning opportunities for the people of New South Wales, using the State Library's virtual private network. The paper covers functional and technical factors and customer feedback.
A thematically
based resource for those who wish to consider a career and develop key skills in Europe and the world of work, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, planning for the future, and news media.
Refereed journal concerned with research into education after compulsory schooling, including further education, higher education, vocational and technical training, adult learning and community learning.
International journal focusing on lifelong learning via new technology. Covers issues, research, innovation and practice connected with the use of communications technologies for academic learning.
Paper setting out ways in which UK library and information services can support the work of Regional Development Agencies. Covers topics such as support for industry and commerce, meeting social information needs, strengthening cultural identity, and supporting lifelong learning.
Official information on the encouragement, promotion and development of lifelong learning in the UK.
UK Group which exists to promote and support Open College Networks in acting regionally to develop and widen access to high
quality and flexible education, training and learning, particularly for learners who have benefited least from formal provision. Includes the NOCN online newsletter, background information on the NOCN, and a listings of OCNs around the UK.
The Institute is concerned with all kinds of adult learners, but has particular strengths in work with women, black and ethnic minority learners, learners with disabilities and/or learning difficulties, older learners, and unemployed learners. It works in all sectors of education and training, including local authorities, further education, higher education, employers and not for profit organisations.
Refereed international journal focusing on lifelong learning. Covers subjects including Developing the Virtual Classroom and New Media, Homogenous Knowledge and Education.
Paper discussing the potential for UK libraries to lead the cultural sector in areas such as new technology, lifelong learning, and the provision of information services. Argues that libraries need to build a strong regional presence in order to take full advantage of these opportunities. Presented as a PDF file
Report on the findings of a project to demonstrate how open learning materials available on the Internet could be integrated with the provision of local open learning resources to provide an enhanced learning environment in the public library.
National development agency which aims to improve basic skills. Its activities include funding research and demonstration projects, publishing teaching and learning resources, and running a free national telephone referral service to help adults join basic skills classes.
Project established to develop students' key skills as required by employers and for lifelong learning. Describes the position of such skills within qualifications, education and training programs. Includes case studies of modern apprenticeships.
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