Library history and culture and L Guide - Resources and Review

Descriptions and images of over 100 Californian libraries constructed between 1902 and 1921 as a result of funding by Andrew Carnegie. Entries are arranged by city, region, architectural style, and name of architect, and information is given on original grant amounts and how the buildings are used today.
Provides an insight into women prominent in the foundations of librarianship. Offers a character profile, a career timeline, details of accomplishments, and a bibliography of publications for females including Susan Grey Akers, Theresa Hubble West Elmendorf, Hannah Logasa, Anne Carroll Moore, and Mary Wright Plummer.
Database of information on libraries that have existed in the British Isles. The data demonstrates library provision in almost every market town in the British Isles by the year 1820, and by 1850 in hundreds of villages with a population of less than 500.
A selection of quotations arranged by subjects such as books, borrowing, catalogues, collection development, learning, and public libraries. Entries are also listed by author, and material can be downloaded as a PDF file.
reviewed bi-annual journal offering articles that demonstrate the connection between library practice and library philosophy and theory.
Discussion about coping with change in academic libraries due to the increased use of electronic information and pressures to provide services with fewer human and financial resources. Part of a series of guides written by the IMPEL2 Project based on findings from case studies conducted in the library and information services of 24 UK universities and colleges during 1996
Describes the architecture and history of Scottish libraries whose construction was funded by Andrew Carnegie. Outlines Carnegie's Scottish connections, looks at the design of 'The Carnegie Libraries' in America and Scotland, and offers a selection of photographs of library interiors, taken in 1907.
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