Library and information studies worldwide and L Guide - Resources and Review

Promotes excellence in research, teaching, and service for library and information science education.
Offers access to library OPAC, news, digital library network resources including workshop programs, international symposia and abstracts from the journal Digital Libraries, and a directory of student and staff home pages. English and Japanese language options available.
Complex changes are facing libraries, librarians, and education in Estonia. This paper presents a brief overview of distance education as a new important field within the overall development of continuing education in Estonia.
Extensive list which aims to cover departments, schools and courses in the information sector in general. Divided into UK, Europe, Australia, Canada, USA and the rest of the world.
Collection of reports documenting prevailing conditions of libraries, librarians, and intellectual freedom throughout the world. Countries covered include Chile, Italy, Mexico, Lesotho, Ukraine, Cambodia, Lebanon, Norway, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe.
Full contact details, postal addresses and links to university departments and institutes of library and information science, information studies, or library studies in Europe and Australia.
Links to library schools around the world, arranged by country.
Designed as a gateway for librarians and library users, operating on an international level and dealing with online resources. Information covers news, education, a list of official associations and networks, and general library issues including collection management, cooperation, preservation and access initiatives, and library Web pages.
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