Internet culture and I Guide - Resources and Review

Archive of FAQ postings from over 1700 Usenet newsgroups which are posted to the news.answers group. Also includes an archive of Internet RFC (Request for Comments) documents from 1969 to the present day.
Aims to help people use the Internet to change organisations, build partnerships and benefit communities.
Online version of the Computing and technology news magazine., Includes the latest news, commentary and special reports.
Started in 1996, HateWatch provides an online resource for concerned individuals, academics, activists and the media to keep abreast of and to combat online bigotry. The information provided may be offensive to some.
Full text publication in which creators of open source technologies such as Perl, Linux and Apache collaborate to discuss the vision of the software industry they have created, through essays that explain how the movement works, why it succeeds, and where it is going.
Description of the main principles of technorealism, including the view that information is not knowledge and that the Internet provides a range of new opportunities for people, communities, businesses, and government that may be empowering or enlightening, yet also dimensions that are malicious, perverse, or ordinary.
Article which explores the extent to which the metaphor of community can help explain the difficulties surrounding the regulation of cyberspace.
Document describing many of the hoax warnings found on the Internet, particularly about computer viruses and Trojans. While these hoaxes do not infect systems, they are still time consuming and costly to handle. Users are requested not to spread unconfirmed warnings about viruses and Trojans. There is also some history of hoaxes on the Internet, details of how to identify a new hoax warning, how to identify a validated warning and what to do on receiving a hoax message.
A non
profit civil liberties organisation working in the public interest to protect privacy, free expression, and access to public resources and information online, as well as to promote responsibility in new media.
Three chapters of a book which provides a snapshot of the Internet and Usenet communities, and gives its readers an overview of the history of network communications.
A weekly newsletter that looks beyond the generally recognised risks of computer use such as privacy violations, unequal access, censorship, and dangerous computer glitches. It seeks especially to address deeper levels which semiconsciously shape technology and are shaped by it.
Resource centre for students, researchers and lecturers in anthropology who have an interest in cyberculture. Presents selected articles on topics such as hypermedia and mass communication, and offers details of relevant courses and forthcoming events. Also provides a glossary of terms in the field.
Extensive searchable collection of links to hundreds of MUDs, as well as a brief introduction to the world of mudding, a breakdown of some of the more popular families of MUD, reviews, listings by category, players directory, a resource centre, and graphical MUD listings.
Magazine covering aspects of the digital revolution, such as the future of libraries, Internet security and privacy, and technical developments.
A document (Internet RFC 1855) which provides a minimum set of guidelines for network etiquette (netiquette) which organisations may take and adapt for their own use. It is written in a bulleted format to make it easy to read and adapt. Covers electronic mail, mailing lists, Usenet news, Web services and interactive services.
A collection of information and myths about urban legends, which appear mysteriously and spread spontaneously in varying forms, usually containing elements of humour or horror. Such legends are not necessarily false, although most are. Headings include animals, celebrities, death, drugs, food, politics, religion, science, sex, and television.
Information about the campaign to protect and promote fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech and the right of privacy on the Internet. Offers news, resources and articles on issues such as free speech, privacy, cryptography and access to information.
Links to news, mailing lists, guides, and ethical and legal issues related to Internet advertising. Topics include banner management, campaign management, and pricing.
The main focus of standardisation in the library arena has moved from that of supporting efficiency to allowing library users to access external resources and facilitating remote access to library resources. The potential of full interoperability in the field is examined along with its likely impact. Some of the gaps in current standards are examined, with a focus on information retrieval.
A collection of information, official and otherwise, for Usenet readers within the UK. Includes a complete list of newsgroups within the uk.* hierarchy and their charters, guidelines on uk.* newsgroup names, instructions for newsgroup creation within the uk. * hierarchy, and details of voting procedures.
Document offering guidelines for use of Internet services, intended to help users to realise the capabilities of the Internet and be responsible in how they access or transmit information through the Internet. Topics include electronic mail, telnet, FTP, discussion groups, the World Wide Web, and the Ten Commandments for Computer Ethics.
Group for professionals from industry, academia and government organisations with an interest in Internet technologies and related behavioural phenomena, including web browsers, behavioural and sociological phenomena associated with distributed network communication and technological innovation, and human factors in electronic commerce.
Internet user survey which attempts to analyse the impact of the Internet on society. Addresses issues including the range of activities performed by users on the Internet, demographic differences in Net access and use, social isolation, impact of usage on traditional media, and effects on working patterns. Presented as a PDF file.
Company which provides MUD2, a version of the original MUD from 1985. Offers online support materials as well as details of products and MUD links.
Project investigating the size and scope of the Web on an annual basis. Statistical information includes the number of Web pages available, types of unique Web page, and growth rate. The country of origin of public Internet resources, the language they are presented in, and economic activity of Web providers are among other indicators given.
Pressure group fighting for the future of freedom of expression in the information age. Offers news, Supreme Court appeal documents and background information.
Project investigating the size and scope of the Web on an annual basis. Statistical information includes the number of Web pages available, types of unique Web page, and growth rate. The country of origin of public Internet resources, the language they are presented in, and economic activity of Web providers are among other indicators given.
Nb = 27