Internet commerce and I Guide - Resources and Review

A Web
based currency obtained by buying goods such as holidays, cars, books, flowers, and software over the Internet. Once earned, Ipoints may be exchanged online as payment for CDs, computer games, videos, flights, and vouchers for shops such as Marks and Spencer.
Collection of over thirty peer
reviewed articles covering Internet economics, digital currency, electrnic cash, business and the Internet, and the Taxation of Internet commerce.
Daily series of video diaries tracing the run up to the April 2000 launch of
a support service to help small business make effective use of the Internet.
Designed to be an evolving resource for those interested in legal issues concerning cyberspace. Sections include: cybercrimes, commerce, privacy, intellectual property, commerce etc. US based.
This article attempts to clarify terminology discussing the interface between commerce and the Internet. Its taxonomy of existing Internet business models has two main branches
transplanted real-world business models and native Internet business models. The paper also discusses the role of business, governments, regulation and ideology in the development of Internet commerce.
Report discussing the growth and importance of electronic commerce as a means of conducting business, and subsequent impacts on jobs. Implications for communications, finance and retail trades are examined and possibilities for education, health and government bodies are considered.
Offers original articles and features about the Internet industry, plus annotated links to selected relevant Internet resources, compiled by a subject specialist, a subject
specific bulletin board, and details of related news and events. Topics include associations, business issues, broadcasting, domain registration, electronic commerce, history of the Internet, innovations, legal resources, news resources, online journals, reference services and trading, trade fairs and statistics.
Articles from the monthly print magazine which offers information on selecting and integrating Internet and emerging technologies with core business systems. Provides daily commentary on current events in the field, and market research reports from over 3500 IT vendors.
Collection of full text papers addressing topics such as the Electronic Marketplace, Multimedia and User Interaction, XML, Searching and Discovery, Hypermedia and Video, Electronic Commerce, Security and Applications, and Protocols and Performance.
Numerous links to resources about the economics of the Internet, information goods, intellectual property and related issues such as security, privacy and cryptography.
Documents a study into business related queries submitted to the Excite and Ask Jeeves search engines. Results consider the number of search terms used, the format of enquiries, and the type of information sought. Findings are discussed in relation to implications for the future of electronic commerce.
Refereed article highlighting the problems of legislating electronic commerce. Discusses the role of the US, European Union and Organisation for Economic Co
operation and Development in formulating legal policy, and the legal position regarding digital signatures, certificate authorities and trusted third parties, and the issue of data protection.
Selection of news articles about computer and communications technology, with special attention to commerce on the Internet. Includes highlights of recent issues, features and FAQs.
Extensive directory of computing and Internet resources, including computer publications, companies, Internet and computer law, and an electronic commerce resource centre.
Provides information, analysis, and research on e
business activities in Europe. Features current news stories and expert commentary on areas of interest including ethics, finance, strategy, and systems of payment.
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