Higher education policy and H Guide - Resources and Review

Report from the committee chaired by Sir Ron Dearing into higher education. The committee examined and made recommendations on how the purposes, shape, structure, size and funding of higher education, including support for students, should develop to meet the needs of the United Kingdom over the next 20 years.
Set of links to selected, evaluated and annotated Internet resources relevant to higher education.
A guide to the financial support arrangements for students in higher education in the UK.
Full text and summaries of important documents relating to education in the UK, including The National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education (the Dearing Report), Widening Participation in Further Education (The Kennedy Report), and The Independent Committee of Inquiry into Student Finance in Scotland (The Cubie Report).
Details about the role and function of the Committee of Vice
Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom which consists of the executive heads of all UK universities, and which exists to promote, encourage and develop the universities in the UK.
The Campus Earth Summit brought together 450 faculty, staff, and student delegates from 22 countries, six continents, and all 50 states at Yale University on 18
20 February 1994 to craft the blueprint for a green campus, a set of recommendations for higher education institutions across the globe to work toward an environmentally sustainable future.
Bibliography of printed and electronic sources of statistics and other survey information in the field of education, with particular emphasis on US higher education and the impact of technology on education.
Includes policy documents, guidance and consultation documents, senior management briefing papers, and JISC News, the newsletter of the Joint Information Systems Committee.
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