Heraldry and H Guide - Resources and Review

Links to over 30 genealogy societies worldwide including general, regional, national, ethnic, and family based organisations.
Genealogical data for the Royal Family of Britain, and many of the Royals of Europe. Also features the genealogy of US Presidents, and links to related genealogical test data.
Collection of material designed to aid heraldic and genealogical research on the Internet. Features information on Irish surnames, symbolism and terminology, maps, flags, Scottish Clans and tartans, and coats of arms.
Index to a selection of genealogy related sites around the world. Resources are arranged by resource type, which includes mailing lists, newsgroups, and world wide web addresses, and then alphabetically.
Organisation which covers the whole of Ireland and traces family histories. It is the coordinating body for government
approved genealogical research centres in Ireland.
Contains links to all known genealogical databases searchable through the Web. It is limited to searchable databases and does not include links to sites devoted to a family unless a database is available for searching.
Employees of Rand have created this page to share information about electronic genealogical resources. Wide range of genealogical resources include searchable location and surname lists.
Contains links to over 2700 genealogy resources worldwide including help and guides, software, societies, and reference sources.
Offers coverage of many aspects of heraldic research by providing articles, a bibliography, and an extensive image gallery featuring over 6000 coats of arms. Articles concentrate on subjects such as heraldic symbolism, with a list of Clans and their Septs also available. Coats of Arms are retrievable alphabetically by surname through the master index.
Database of over 18,000 individuals, which can be searched in various ways. The directory also lists links by culture and country.
Created by the producers of a large genealogy magazine, this web site focuses specifically on genealogy resources online. Some resources are freely available, access to others is restricted.
Information about Melungeons, a group of dark
skinned people with European features found living in the mountains of Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, and West Virginia by explorers in the mid-1600's. Includes answers to FAQs about Melungeons, and a selection of Web resources concerning Appalachian folklore and stories, genealogy, Native American history, and geographic areas of interest. Features an additional section devoted solely to Melungeon genealogy.
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