First aid and F Guide - Resources and Review

Group concerned with educating health professionals and the general public in resuscitation. Focuses on teaching, creating guidelines, publishing training materials, maintaining standards, and encouraging associated research. Provides a listing of council courses and forthcoming events.
Searchable online book intended as a general reference source for health care providers and consumers. The six major sections cover using the US health care system; wellness; symptoms; first aid; treatment and prevention; and proper use of medications. Chapters include understandable explanations of the topic, and selective descriptions of diseases or abnormalities.
Includes information on first aid training courses available, such as basic life support, emergency aid and first aid at work. Also provides general information on the history and aims of the unit, joining the group and on making blood and bone marrow donations.
Basic first aid guidelines to deal with several eventualities. There is a first aid dictionary, first aid kit advice, and sections on bites and stings, burns, cuts and abrasions, dislocations, fainting, fractures, frostbite, hypothermia, nosebleeds, poisoning, sprains, strains, asphyxiation, bleeding, choking, concussions and contusions, convulsions, electric shock, and heatstroke.
The ICRC acts to help all victims of war and internal violence, attempting to ensure implementation of humanitarian rules restricting armed violence.
Journal of wound management practice covering wound care and dressings. Includes discussion forum.
Interactive first aid course from the BBC. An overview of the importance of first aid is provided with sections on essential skills relating to incidents including heart attacks, bleeding, drowning, choking, poisoning, electrocution, spinal injuries, eye injuries and scalds and burns. Home skills includes tests on caring for adults and caring for children and there is further information on how to gain first aid qualifications. Additional features include a reference guide to first aid techniques, transcripts of live chats with a doctor, games and quizzes, and a first aid glossary.
Articles providing health information including news, and details of diseases and treatments. Features a medical dictionary and pharmacy, together with first aid facts in the event of injuries such as bumps and bruises, burns, cuts, scrapes and puncture wounds, dental injuries, frostbite, insect stings, and nosebleeds. A list of poison control centres is also included.
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