English literature to 1800 and E Guide - Resources and Review

Includes full text and extracts of fifteenth
nineteenth century sources about Richard III (1452-1485); a hypertext edition of Shakespeare's play; essays on Richard III in history, drama, and literature, and resources for teaching.
Corpus of Marlowe's works, including plays, poems Hero and Leander and The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, his translations of Ovid and Lucan, a dedicatory epistle to Mary, the Countess of Pembroke, and the epitaph of Sir Roger Manwood. Enables users to lay different editions of his plays side
by-side to compare textual variants.
Extensive resources devoted to the art, history, literature and culture of the Romantic period. Contains searchable electronic text editions, scholarly resources, conference information, research features and book reviews.
Full text of the Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V Erdman, and Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience, with stanza annotations. A slide show of selected poetry and illustrations by Blake is included.
Texts and translations of a collection of literary works of Classical and Medieval civilisation. Provides a facility for downloading texts, and allows Boolean searching.
Set of annotated links to texts, manuscript images, historical resources, courses and other educational resources relevant to Old English literature.
A variety of resources relating to the study and research of Tudor England. Topics include heraldry, maps, costume, music, and literature, including much material dedicated to the works of Shakespeare. Transcriptions of the trials of the Earls of Sussex and Southampton for treason in 1601 are also available.
Provides links to the full text of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, and to minor poems and prose. Includes links to images of illustrations and title pages, audio recordings of selected poems, and the full text of articles about the poet. A forum for the discussion of Milton's life and literature is provided.
Collection of more than one hundred middle English texts online. Includes King Arthur and King Cornwall, The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle, The Ploughman's Tale, Lancelot of the Laik, and a collection of Robin Hood tales.
Collection of Old English poetry, prayers and songs, including texts from the Exeter Book, the Battle of Maldon and Dream of the Rood.
Document discussing the differences in verb movement syntax between the northern and southern dialects of Middle English. It is proposed that this difference is due to the imperfect learning of Old English by Scandinavian invaders.
Full text of the poetry of Edmund Spenser, including Complaints, The Fowre Hymnes, and various sonnets. Provides discussion forums on non
dramatic literature of the Elizabethan age, and how best to develop online editions of Spenser's work. Links to related resources, and to a searchable database of the Faerie Queene are included.
Texts of selected works printed in English between 1477 (when Caxton began printing) and 1799. Authors include Francis Bacon, Thomas Campion, John Milton, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser and Laurence Sterne.
Database of possible influences of the writings of St Jerome on Anglo
Saxon and Anglo-Latin literature. Provides a biography and lists biblical commentaries, translations, and correspondence.
Collection of old English poetry, prose, runic and liturgical texts. Also includes a bibliography of reference works and a Modern English to Old English Vocabulary.
Full text of Johnson's poems, political writings and essays, including Rasselas, The Life of Pope and Selected Opinions. Biographical and critical works about the writer are also provided, including part of Boswell's Life of Johnson.
Selection of works by medieval poet Geoffrey Chaucer (1340
1400), including Troilus and Criseyde, The House of Fame, Gentilesse, Merciles Beaute, Book of the Duchesse, and the full text of his most famous work, Canterbury Tales.
Range of texts and translations of material relevant to Chaucer's works. Provides a chronology of Chaucer and his times, a glossorial database of Middle English, discussion of the language and linguistics of the era, annotated extracts from the Canterbury Tales including original illustrations, and general information on life in the Middle Ages, covering courtly love, pilgrimages, tournaments, and meals.
Full text of Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (1628
1688), who wrote the novel while imprisoned for preaching non-conformist views about Christianity in the 1600s.
Full text of the novel Gulliver's Travels by Irish author Jonathan Swift (1667
Resources relating to Middle English literature from the period 1350 to 1485, covering writers such as Geoffrey Chaucer, William Langland, Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and Sir Thomas Malory. Includes full text versions of their work, a selection of medieval plays and lyrics, and a collection of critical articles and essays.
Full text of the classic novel Robinson Crusoe by English author Daniel Defoe (1660
Project for the digital preservation, restoration, and dissemination of medieval manuscripts. Includes images of Cotton Vitellius A. XV, indispensable eighteenth
century transcriptions, copies of the 1815 first edition with early nineteenth-century collations of the manuscript, and a comprehensive glossarial index.
Offers an insight into words related to sensibility and sentimentality, as used in the eighteenth century to convey a variety of meanings. A term list provides an index of concepts, with a brief introduction and a list of relevant excerpts. Bibliographies of primary sources and critical works are included.
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