English drama and E Guide - Resources and Review

A guide to the reconstructed playhouse in London, Shakespeare's Globe, dedicated to Shakespearean staging. Includes information about the theatre from 1599 to 1999 and other links to Shakespeare resources.
Corpus of Marlowe's works, including plays, poems Hero and Leander and The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, his translations of Ovid and Lucan, a dedicatory epistle to Mary, the Countess of Pembroke, and the epitaph of Sir Roger Manwood. Enables users to lay different editions of his plays side
by-side to compare textual variants.
Full text of notes for a course looking at a range of approaches to the works of Shakespeare. Also includes a selection of links to resources connected with Shakespeare, and the Renaissance.
An annotated guide to scholarly Shakespeare resources on the Internet.
Collection of artwork comprising paintings, watercolours, ink and pencil drawings, and steel engravings based on the plays of William Shakespeare. Each work is accompanied by information about its size, medium, date of production, and current location. Material is accessible via a listing of artists, or according to the play which they illustrate.
Includes full text and extracts of fifteenth
nineteenth century sources about Richard III (1452-1485); a hypertext edition of Shakespeare's play; essays on Richard III in history, drama, and literature, and resources for teaching.
Biographical information about Pinter, the British playwright, director, actor, poet, and political activist. Provides details of UK productions of his plays, film reviews, full text poems, and his written opinions on matters such as freedom of speech, Serbia and Kosovo, and Turkey and the Kurds. Also offers material on Pinter's acting and directing work.
Full text of all Shakespeare's plays, arranged in the usual three categories: tragedy, comedy and history (based on the arrangement of the Complete Moby Shakespeare).
Offers original articles and features about English and American literature, plus annotated links to selected relevant Internet resources compiled by a subject specialist, a subject
specific bulletin board, and details of related news and events. Spans the centuries from Beowulf through Shakespeare, Milton, Austen, Keats and Dickens to the present day.
Selection of scanned images from the earliest editions of Shakespeare's plays and poems, and from other English Rennaissance texts.
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