Deafness and D Guide - Resources and Review

Information on SSC publications and videos and a selection of articles from around the world relating to the education of sensory impaired young people. Also provides access to the Sensory Information Service database of contact details for related organisations.
Set of links to selected, evaluated and annotated Internet resources relevant to otolaryngology.
Set of links to journals relevant to otolaryngology. Some have only subscription information online, others have tables of contents, abstracts or full text.
Examines deaf culture providing a timeline of deaf history, information about sign language, and an interactive guide to fingerspelling. Also discusses the controversy over cochlear implants, the main topic addressed within the televised documentary which this resource accompanies.
Facilities to learn the Deafblind Manual Alphabet and the Two
Handed Manual Alphabet used by sighted deaf people. Also provides information about Braille, Moon, Cochlear Implants, the Retinal Implant Project, the causes of deafblindness, and articles about deafness and deafblindness.
UK charity, which aims to alleviate the challenges faced by deaf children and their families through the dissemination of accurate information. This includes medical information, regional and local representatives, downloadable publications in PDF format, welfare rights, a news archive, and events and conferences details.
Studies the deaf and hard of hearing population in the United States, including demographic aspects of hearing impairment.
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