Database software and D Guide - Resources and Review

Set of online lessons in word processing, presentation graphics, spreadsheets and databases, covering use of Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, Microsoft PowerPoint, Lotus Freelance Graphics, Access 97, Excel, Lotus 1
2-3 and Quattro Pro.
Online version of the monthly print magazine written by developers, for developers. It is intended to help IT professionals understand Microsoft Database and Web designs, tools, techniques, add
ons, management and business practices to implement enterprise solutions. Includes an index of articles from January 1996 to the present day, with selected articles available online.
Index of resources about using Microsoft Access database software.
Set of links to database resources including software, shareware, middleware, tips, tutorials, white papers, books, magazines, and discussion forums.
Provides technical discussion forums, daily news for database administrators and users, and directory of links arranged by category.
Large vendor of database and information management software.
Nb = 6