Computer standards and C Guide - Resources and Review

A searchable dictionary of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards, mathematics, telecommunications, electronics, institutions, companies, projects, products and other computing terms.
Details of the proposed XML standard data format for structured document interchange on the Web, intended to supplement HTML.
Full text of the final conclusions in the anti
trust civil action brought against the Microsoft Corporation by the US Department of Justice, which deduced that Microsoft has maintained its monopoly power by anti-competitive means. The report is offered as a PDF or HTML file.
Society concerned with the development of computing and its effective application. It also has responsibilities for education and training, public awareness, standards, quality and professionalism.
Reference resource providing links to Web pages about computer standards. Links are divided into sections on knowledge bases (hardware and software), newsgroups and FAQs, magazines and e
zines, white pages and organisations, and user groups. Related topics covered include asset management, benchmarking, computer standards, database administration, disaster recovery, human-computer interaction, systems management, and systems security.
Consortium of major computer companies established to aid in the development and implementation of a secure and reliable IT infrastructure. Includes IBM, Digital, and Sun.
An extensive collection of file format specifications, including JPEG image files, wave sound files, Rich Text files, and common database and word processing files such as Paradox and WordPerfect. All of the specifications are very technical and are directed towards programmers. Users can subscribe to a mailing list for notification of updates.
A central source of information about the SQL standards process and its current state, with pointers to other sources of information about the SQL standard.
Full text of the findings of fact resulting from the anti
trust civil action brought against the Microsoft Corporation by the US Department of Justice between October 1998 and June 1999.
Presents a series of FAQs relating to the Unicode character encoding scheme. Addresses topics such as character properties, compression, conversions, security issues, and Unicode and the Web.
Links to resources in ergonomics, health and safety, human factors, and human computer interaction. Also permits access to a HCI standards database.
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