Coffee and C Guide - Resources and Review

Information on coffee, caffeine and health in the United States, collected from scientific journals, industry, reports and other sources by the National Coffee Association, the US trade organisation for the coffee industry.
Trade association for the US coffee industry, featuring resources for the general public. Includes information on the history of coffee, coffee production, storage and brewing..
Details of several projects and publications about Madagascar, including biodiversity of the coffee family (Rubiaceae), legumes, orchids, phylogeny, tree species, and palms. Madagascar is one of the ecologically richest countries in the world. Its flora is diverse, peculiar, and unique. Of the estimated 12,000 species, over 80% are only found in Madagascar.
Links to a range of information about Guatemala, including art, biospheres, business, cities, coffee, crafts, earthquakes, ecology, film, folklore, food, government ministries, health, history, hotels, literature, maps, missions, music, news, humanitarian, professional and scientific organisations, poetry, radio, recreation, regions, religion, schools, socio
political issues, sports, telephones, tourist information, universities, volcanoes, weather, and wildlife.
Details the history of the Jamaican coffee industry, with full contact details of approved growers, exporters, and roasters. Offers information on the Coffee Industry Board, with its role, function, rules, and regulations being listed. An FAQ, quality specifications, and tips for brewing and storage are also given.
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