Celtic archaeology and C Guide - Resources and Review

Information and images from a project to study Medieval Celtic inscriptions.
Offers access to an online collection of over 27000 images of Celtic coins found in Britain. Also provides articles on coinage in Celtic society, a guide to how Celtic coins were made, a bibliography and related links.
Specialist bookshop in Clwyd dealing mainly in books about archaeology, local history, architecture, Wales, Celtic studies and Celtic linguistics. Includes online catalogue.
Image collection depicting Celtic art and cultures from several European countries, together with maps, timelines, a glossary, and quizzes. Topics include Hallstatt Elite Burials, Celtic High Crosses, and Irish Monasteries.
Conserves, protects, and presents the built heritage of Wales and undertakes the Secretary of State's statutory responsibilities for securing all ancient monuments for the future, for grant
aiding rescue archaeology work, and for offering grants to owners of historic buildings.
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