Australian languages and A Guide - Resources and Review

Collection of links providing information about some of Australia's indigenous languages including Arrernte, Eora, Kaurna, Pakanh, Wambaya, and Yolngu. Resources can be browsed by language name, state, or type of resource such as dictionary, text, song, bibliography, or book.
Set of links to indigenous Australian language resources such as dictionaries, and workshops, together with information about their origin, use and salience, regions where employed, and associated culture.
An index of language material comprising information about Awabakal, Yindjibarndi, and Kamilaroi or Gamilaraay, as it is sometimes known.
Collection of cultural stories from indigenous Australians throughout the country. Words specific to Australian language and culture are defined in a glossary for each story. Includes an account of the importance of storytelling for Australians, an explanation of the expression 'dreamtime', and information about the custodianship and the secret or sacred nature of the stories.
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