Archaeometallurgy and A Guide - Resources and Review

Book chapter on the importance of copper in the Middle Ages, which discusses monumental brass, medieval bell
founders, brass wire, the pin trade, weather vanes and enamelling.
Society for the exchange of information and research in historical metallurgy, which covers all aspects of the history of metals and associated materials, production and use, technology and economics, from prehistory to the present. Offers information on publications, journal contents, events and a bibliography.
Research group focusing on metals in antiquity, from biochemical and geochemical studies of archaeological materials to theoretical considerations of prehistoric and early historic metal making and use. Offers information on research projects, publications and related links.
Book about the history of copper mining, the development of metal
working processes and the uses of copper through the past six thousand years. Covers information about the raw material, and the use of copper in Ancient Greece and Rome, the industrial age, and in electrical engineering.
Reports from a project to excavate a tin smelting site that utilised simple technology. Describes the geographic and archaeological setting, surveys and excavation.
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